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9 résultats

Notus (07 mars 2018)

code (8.5 million cells, 32 processors).   Interface Moment-of-Fluid reconstruction of a 4 material disk in a reverse-shear flow. A. Lemoine. Notus CFD code.   ... Notus est un code open-source dédié à la modélisation et à la simulation d'écoulements incompressibles dans un contexte de calcul massivement parallèle.

Soutenance HDR Stéphane Glockner (01 juin 2018)

Sujet : Simulations et méthodes numériques en mécanique des fluides incompressibles dans un environnement massivement parallèle

Séminaire I2M : Rory CERBUS (Université de Bordeaux, Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d'Aquitaine (LOMA)) (20 novembre 2021)

considerably from "fully turbulent" flow: the “flashes” can spontaneously die, or grow, or split. A riddle going back to Reynolds’ original study concerns the fluid friction in transition, where these peculiar

Phase-Field : Recents advances on phase-field models and simulations (02 décembre 2019)

and the flow of the bulk fluids. Phase field (diffuse-interface) methods start from a multi-scale point of view and treat the interface as a microscopic transition zone of small but finite width. Then a set

Séminaire I2M : Mme Olga BARRERA (seniot lecturer at Oxford Brookes University). (21 mai 2022)

.    The soft tissue analysed here is the knee meniscus which is seen as an optimized-by-nature load bearing and damper system. The time dependent behaviour is ruled by the fluid flow inside the pores which

HYDRODYNAMICS AT SMALL SCALES : from soft matter to bioengineering (11 juillet 2022)

Small scale/bio fluidics is a highly interdisciplinary field that involves the study and control of mass-momentum-heat-species transport processes in fluid

Sujets de stage Masters 2023-24 (17 janvier 2024)

Projet IMAGO : Réalisation d'un logement étudiant éco-conçu Numerical simulation of hydrogen flows in geological porous media for underground energy storage applications. Microfluidic

Experimental and theoretical study of high heating-rate drying in porous media: application to biomass pyrolysis (07 mars 2023)

rate (which is the case of pyrolysis), this hypothesis becomes unrealistic as flow and reaction rates generate significant local scale variations over the averaging volume (Golfier et al., 2009

Soutenance de thèse Shaolin LIU (03 octobre 2023)

(TSBT) is used to perform experiments on two facilities, designed specifically during this work, with different test section diameters of 1 cm and 20 cm. We study heat transfer by the flow of a hot gaswithin three